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A New Play Festival

24-Hour Play Festival 2024

by Felix Abidor, Ross Compton, Martina Logan, Skyler Tarnas, Deana Velandra

February 24, 2024

at The Raven Room

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Avalanche Theatre's chaotic, caffeine-fueled 24-hour play festival. 5 brand new 10-minute plays, written and performed all within 24 hours!

Production team:


Champions of the All-You-Can Eat Buffet
by Martina Logan^
directed by Alex Mallory^

Clown Genie Must Do Dishes
by Ross Compton
directed by Paula Sjogerman

Minnesota Hot Dish
by Deana Velandra
directed by Zoe Sjogerman^

Sugar Daddy Parent Trap
by Felix Abidor^
directed by MK Young^

Bedbugs: The Musical!
by Skyler Tarnas
directed by Spencer Ryan Diedrick


Felix Abidor
Debbie Banos^
Leah Blevins
Haley Bolithon
Grace Fay Brooks
Peter Ferneding^
Mitch Fischer
Gabe Fries
Alex Hultman
Brian Huther
Brooke Jones
Amy Kraft
Elise Soeder^
Lexy Weixel
Guy Wicke

Hosted by:
Owen Hickle-Edwards^

^ Denotes Avalanche Theatre ensemble member

Featured ensemble members

With support from:

Illinois Arts Council Agency

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